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Flash Quotes: Vitality 10,000

David Weir, men’s wheelchair champion 

“It was nice to get back on the road, I haven’t been here since April and after Paris it is nice to do a little race before I go to Berlin next week.”  

On his retirement from GB competition after the 2024 Paris Paralympics: 

“It was the right decision I made, I knew I was going to make that decision while I was there, obviously I let people know, I think it was the right time. I’ve done everything this year to get back on to the rankings to get selected for Paris, I started my season in January, and I won’t be finishing till November, it’s been a long season and it’s taken its toll on me a little bit. I’m just going to concentrate on the road next year and do as many road races as I can. 

“I knew before I went there [Paris] and said to my coach and my family this is the last push, I can’t do anymore training camps that I’ve done this year. I’ve pushed my body to its limits, I am 45 and I’ve got to be realistic. 

“I still think I’ve got a few years in me yet on the road, I am going to have a bit of time out after New York to recharge the batteries because the batteries are on empty at the moment. 

“This was a nice warm-up [for Berlin Marathon next week], I’ve had a slight injury since Paris so that is still aggravating me a little bit so I’m not sure on how the next two races will go as it just depends how the niggle is, it is quite sore today over 10K so we will see. 

“I love road racing, I love everyone on the road, it is just a different vibe. It is more of a family vibe than a pressure vibe. 

“It was a bit wet today, glad we didn’t start at eight, it was chucking it down but it was nice and warm as well and the crowds are always good. I like the course, it was good to get up to speed and then come back down, it was like a sprint session, like a Fartlek.” 


Martyna Snopek, women’s wheelchair champion 

“It was sticky and humid but fortunately it wasn’t raining. The road was wet but not too much, so it was good. It was better than expected!” 

On race preparation for the conditions: 

“We can’t easily ditch jackets because we wear gloves so, based on experience, I have removable sleeves which I was wearing today. We are very carefully checking the temperature more than anything. It was better than expected but it feels very humid. 

“It is always very exciting, we are outside Buckingham Palace, it feels like you are part of the city when you do this race. There is so many people and the runners are shouting encouragement for us. It is a great sense of community.” 


Jack Rowe, men’s champion 

“It was good fun, a really cool event, I’ve just come off my break, so it was a nice little throw yourself back into the deep end. It is a fun course, nice twists and turns, a good racer’s course.  

“I am back into proper training now, I was on holiday ten days ago and back to the work now, I’m tired but going to be tired for a while now!  

“My coach said to take the first half really comfy, almost not look at the watch and then press on from halfway. The first half was a little bit slow, looking at the watch, but the second half was really good. Obviously, I compare it to last year when I ran pretty fast but I am happy with that, 29:15 to start the year. It was warm out there, I am dripping! 

“I woke up this morning and thought, ‘We’re going to get hammered on’, which is never fun, but it was dry and it is really warm and muggy. I warmed up in a tracksuit and was dripping with sweat. 

“It is perfect, it’s why I keep coming back every year, I live local, grew up in London. Did this race for the first time back in 2018. I love coming here, the crowds are always good fun.” 

Future plans as the next Olympic cycle begins: 

“LA I’ll most likely be on the roads if I want to make it in the marathon team, it takes a long time to get used to that length of race. It’s going to come; I think there will be a bit of a transition over the next 18 months where I try and fit some track races in and probably run a marathon for the first time next year.” 


Eilish McColgan, women’s champion 

“It was really nice to be back on the roads of London again, the crowds are just amazing the whole way round that course. It is great to be back racing again. 

“I am really happy, I had surgery at the end of last year, so it’s been a long process to get back to where I am now. Two half marathons and then a 10K this weekend, it has been a really, really tough few weeks of racing. I wish it was the other way round – 10K first and then the half marathons because today was a little bit sluggish to get my legs going but I couldn’t ask for anymore from my body today. Tired legs but still got the win and still making really good progress. 

“A couple of months ago if you told me I would run back-to-back half marathons and then run a 10K here I would’ve thought there is no chance. I think it just shows how good things are going and my body is getting stronger again. 

“Obviously I would love to be back in PB shape and record-breaking form but that takes time. The pace felt hard today, and I ran big chunks on my own, it would’ve nice to have had a bit more company today to push things on. 

“I knew this year would just be about progressing and making small steps forward. It is nice to be ending the season healthy. 

“You can see how incredible this event is by the number of people taking part. Even on the Start Line when I was warming up people were cheering and giving me high-fives. The support around the course is just incredible, these people are racing themselves but still find the energy and breath to give me a cheer. It is inclusive; all ages, all abilities, everyone coming together to enjoy what we do best, which is run.”